Ellis Partners in Management Solutions (EPMS) knows that you have choices when it comes to mystery shopping. Maybe you’re a veteran mystery shopper or maybe you are brand new to the world of mystery shopping; either way, there are tons of companies to choose from [some reputable, some not]. There are several things to consider when choosing a company to shop for.
Here’s 7 reasons to mystery shop for EPMS.
Getting Started:
The EPMS sign up process is easy peasy! EPMS has simplified the sign up process providing all the tools you need online. EPMS won’t ask you for money to start making money. A few keystrokes and a few clicks and you are ready to go! You will have to provide some sensitive information to set up your account for payments, but rest assured that EPMS respects your privacy and that your information is protected.
You may know very little about property management, but don’t let that deter you from joining EPMS; just because you’ve never worked in the industry doesn’t mean you aren’t qualified to shop! Have you ever looked for a new home to live in? Then you are already a step above the rest! EPMS helps you know what to look for during your shops, questions to ask, how to be “discreet”, and essentially, how to be successful as an independent contractor mystery shopper. They offer an online tutorial for new shoppers to help prepare you before you do your first shop contract.
Time vs. Money:
You can make anywhere from $25-$50 per shop contract. You may be wondering how much time is invested for each shop. Start to finish, you could spend 1 ½ to 2 hours with a shop. As you get better with the reports and become more comfortable doing the actual mystery shop, your time spent per shop can decrease. If you stay organized with your shops and choose convenient locations, you shouldn’t have to drive all over town. EPMS has many available shops to choose from. If you do the math, EPMS pays great money for your invested time. However, this is not a full time job. Mystery shopping for EPMS is contract work, and there is no guarantee work availability.
Choosing Your Shops:
EPMS has a great online system that you can log into and choose from a plethora of available mystery shops and locations. You can even choose to become a back-up shopper in the event that a shop you are interested in is already spoken for. EPMS will notify you if you are promoted to the primary shopper for that job.
The bulk of your “work” will be spent writing your report for EPMS. This is most important piece of your job as this is what dictates the score of your shop. EPMS has made the report very easy to follow so that you don’t leave out any details. As mentioned above, the more time spent familiarizing yourself with the reports, the faster you will become at filling these out.
Payment is most likely the most important piece to this puzzle for you! EPMS has an extremely easy payment system. They pay once a month by direct deposit! No mess, no fuss, just money in your bank account each month.
The EPMS staff is so friendly and easy to work with. If you ever have questions about a shop contract, need a deadline extension, or are having a problem with your report, EPMS is an email or phone call away and ready to help you through the process.
Ellis Partners in Management Solutions has been doing apartment mystery shops for almost 30 years. They are one of the most reputable companies in mystery shopping. Not only are they efficient and easy to work with, but they are also quick to respond to your needs, they pay on time, and their program helps you make money mystery shopping. Need more than these 7 reasons to mystery shop for EPMS? Check out the other resources on their website.
Allison M
Ellis Mystery Shopper