5 Tips to Make Mystery Shopping Pay
A little extra income is wonderful no matter how you slice it, but how do you really make mystery shopping worthwhile for you?
If you have any experience with mystery shopping, you’ve already learned that you can earn money doing it, but you may be wondering how you can justify the gas, the time, and the commitment that goes into mystery shopping.
Follow these 5 simple steps and you can truly make mystery shopping pay off!
- Set Goals: Make sure you know your purpose going into mystery shopping. You can make as much or as little money as you want, depending on what mystery shops you can fit into your schedule. Decide how many shop contracts you want to complete each week, then stick to your goal. You’ll probably end up making more mystery shopping pay than you anticipated if you set and keep your goal
- Be Organized: Having a calendar and tracking your shop obligations is a must when it comes to mystery shopping. Pay attention to when shops can be conducted and if they fit in your calendar, especially if you have another job or school you have to work around. It’s super important to stay organized so you can get everything completed on time and according to the shop contract specifications.
- Stay Focused on the Shop: Sometimes mystery shopping is so much fun you forget you’re doing it! Make sure you stay focused on the task at hand so that you don’t end up staying at a shop too long or getting loose lipped and being “made” as a mystery shopper. But don’t get nervous or in a hurry, either! Just focus on the task at hand and let the shop flow naturally as it would with a real customer.
Write Thorough Reports: The more information you can give, the better! You might feel like you’re on ‘information overload’, but a clear picture will lead to fewer questions from the shopping company and their client. Plus it will help you get even more shops if you want them. When mystery shopping, pay attention to the details in your report and proofread before submitting.
- Take It Seriously: Although mystery shopping pay could be “side change” for you, at the end of the day, someone else’s livelihood is relying on the accuracy of your shop. If you take your mystery shop contracts seriously, it will be more fulfilling. Mystery shopping pay, as with any job, is easier to make with the right attitude.
When you’re ready to set a goal and get started, go with a trusted mystery shopping company like Ellis (EPMS) that pays quickly and provides all the resources you need to make mystery shopping a snap.
Now get out there and grab all the mystery shopping pay you want!