Mystery shopping jobs normally involves part-time work and allows a person to schedule jobs in a flexible manner. However, there are many mystery shopping companies that are also looking for individuals who are interested in working in the retail industrial area. Most of these merchandising jobs begin as part-time work and usually involve performing jobs in various retail stores.
Merchandising jobs usually have set hours and days and involve replacing store products and setting up store displays. However, many of these merchandising jobs often lead to full-time employment. Since a merchandiser is usually under the lead of a supervisor who handles a chain of retail stores and ensures that all store products are carefully replaced and stocked, this type of job can lead to full-time employment.
The experience gained as a retail merchandiser can lead to a supervisor or team leader job and that usually involves more hours a week than a regular mystery shopper who does part-time work, and can sometimes lead to full-time employment. I have done part-time merchandising jobs and most of the supervisors that I worked with stated that they began as part-time merchandisers and slowly worked their way up the ladder.
If your schedule allows you to work on a fixed workweek, and the retail area interests you, than taking a part-time merchandiser job in this area might be the stepping stone needed to obtain experience and possibly lead to a full-time job. These merchandiser jobs tend to service a wide circle of chain stores and are always in need of employees to monitor, restock, and service various company products. So, if you can’t find a full-time job right now, maybe working as a merchandiser might be a possible way to find a new avenue of full-time employment.