Mystery Shopping for Electronics

Mystery Shopping for ElectronicsDo you enjoy learning about computers or like playing with techie type gadgets and want to earn extra money?  If so, then mystery shopping might work for you.

Numerous mystery shops offer jobs that focus on evaluating a computer store personnel’s presentation on their explanation of selling computer products and software.  These shops not only provide extra cash, but you can learn about the latest upgrades in computers and software and this can provide you with a smart shopper list on comparing prices for the best buy if you’re a computer savvy person.

Do you want to know the latest difference between an I-phone or a Smartphone?  Or do you want to discover the latest computers, and video games for your children or friend?  If so, then computer mystery shopping can help you learn the differences while you earn extra cash.

One bonus, when mystery shopping for electronics, is that this allows you compare products with other store brands and you can be more informed on the latest game videos for children.  These shops usually require a simple fill in the blank question and answer survey online and an overall rating of the store employee’s presentation. Most forms can be completed in less than hour and payment for performing a technology shop is usually 30-60 days.

Most companies only require that you obtain a business card and take good notes of your conversation with the employee.  So, if you’re interested in learning more about computers and technology, or just have a nerdy side and enjoy gadgets and video games, these types of shops are easy to perform and provide valuable information on what the latest news is in the world of techie toys.


Elisa E.