Comeback from Complacency: Get Back Your Mojo!

Complacency can hinder your efforts to develop as a mystery shopper. Are you ready to come back from complacency and get back your mojo!

Once you tackle and learn the job of mystery shopping, it is easy to become complacent on just filling out the evaluation report and submitting it for payment without pursuing a desire to improve your skills.  Working at a satisfactory level for a regular paycheck may suffice for a while, but to ensure higher-pay job opportunities, you should set aside a small amount of time to focus on your job proficiency.


There are numerous areas a shopper could improve, but an important one is submitting better reports.  This can include better proofreading, increasing your vocabulary, or working on your typing skills. When you submit well-written, well-edited reports in a timely manner, it can improve your reputation as a shopper, making the mystery shopping company trust you with better or more frequent job opportunities.

Keep in mind, there are many free proofreading tools you can download which are far superior to the regular proofreading software that usually comes with your computer system.  A quick search on the Internet for free proofreading software can easily upgrade your available tools in a few minutes.  You could also consider investing in a small dictionary or thesaurus to help keep you out of a vocabulary rut.  There are even free online writing exercises to improve your sentence and grammar structure as well as typing skills.

You can set yourself up to earn great supplemental income through mystery shopping if you are able to stay on top of your game. Come back from complacency and get back your mojo today!