You don’t have to be a financial expert to look around and see that prices are rising on just about everything! This may mean that the time is right to consider a Side Hustle to earn extra money. A bit of extra income can be a hedge against inflation, a help in paying off debt, or a way to fund a great vacation! Not all side hustles are created equal! What are some factors to consider?
- Do you enjoy it? Side hustles are generally done on “personal time” outside of normal working hours. If you are going to give up your precious time off, make sure it is something you will enjoy. If you don’t enjoy an activity when you’re not being paid for it, you probably won’t enjoy it as a side hustle.
- What are the costs to set up your side hustle? Does it require expensive equipment? Advertising? Registration fees? How many jobs will it take you to recoup your start up fees?
- Will it stand the test of time? Some side hustles may be tied to a specific season. Holidays or the start of a school year may offer unique opportunities, but if you are looking for continuous income, you may want something you can do year-round.
For all these reasons, Apartment Mystery Shopping for EPMS an ideal side hustle!
- EPMS Apartment Mystery Shopping is enjoyable! We all drive by apartment communities every day. It is fun to peek inside at the amenities and see the floor plans and features of the apartments. There may be a beautiful furnished model apartment offering ideas for your home décor. Perhaps you’ll even find a community you shop to be a perfect fit for you. Some of our shoppers have been paid to shop a community that becomes their new home.
- EPMS Apartment Shopping is free! There are no registration costs to shop for EPMS. You don’t have to make a purchase and await reimbursement. You won’t be applying for an apartment, nor paying any fee onsite. There is no out of pocket expense required to shop for EPMS.
- EPMS has been shopping apartment communities year-round for almost 40 years! EPMS is a pioneer in the apartment mystery shopping industry. We have been performing onsite shops for nearly 40 years. We shop year-round! If you find yourself with some extra free time, you may want to take on several shops. As a shopper, you are free to accept shops that fit within your schedule. Some shops must be done on specific dates or days of the week, but you will always know those requirements before you commit to the shop. There is no pressure to accept a shop that won’t work for you!
Challenging economic times call for creative solutions! Making a bit of extra money by developing a side hustle can be one of those solutions. EPMS Apartment Mystery shopping is an enjoyable, affordable means of boosting your income in your free time.
To apply as an EPMS shopper, please visit: