You might receive an email from your mystery shopping representative that you have 24 hours to update your job status or be removed from the shop or system. However, there may be occasions where you missed reading that email or read it at the last minute and just like that, the website has locked you out of the system! Now you cannot update your shops and you might run into losing a job if you are not able to get your update to the follow-up representative until after the 24-hour cutoff. All of the work you did making telephone calls might be lost or worse yet, maybe you visited the shop and find the job has been removed!
Before you panic at the thought that you lost your jobs and did all that work for nothing, be sure you immediately respond to the mystery shopper representative on the latest update to request an extension as well as send an email to the website main address administrator. Sending an email to the follow-up person and the website administrator can help you avoid losing the job. Of course, your best bet is to always keep your follow-up representative up to date at least a day or two before the due date to ensure there is no lack of communication that might lead to your loss of jobs. If you do get locked out of the system, be sure you resend emails to the mystery shopper representative and the website administrator. Always remember the golden rule; communicate, communicate, and communicate some more!