Now that school is beginning soon for many students, some mystery shops combine shopping various department stores for school supplies and allow you to be paid for this trip! There are numerous mystery shops that want shoppers to visit their department store and pretend to shop for school supplies or they may want them to price compare several items with their employees and record their responses.
This is a good way to make one trip to obtain your yearly school supplies for your children and, at the same time, you get paid to evaluate a company’s employee. You also get expert opinions from the company employee’s on the latest trend, gadgets, or best pricing of school supplies.
After your conversation and evaluation with the employee, you can then just pick up what you need for your children for school all at the same time. Basically, you get paid to shop for school supplies, which you have to buy anyways for your children. However, if you conduct a mystery shop, the shop fee will pay for these supplies. Therefore, your total costs for school supplies could possibly amount to zero or could be a small cost out of your budget.
The shops are easy to do and only require you to fill out an online question and answer form. You submit the form to your mystery-shopping website and most shops will pay you in 30 days. This year, make it an effort to devote two hours to perform a mystery shop and get free school supplies. It’s that simple!