When you schedule yourself for any mystery shopping jobs, there are a couple of insights that a shopper should keep in mind to successfully perform a job. Normally, there is a job scheduler assigned to the assignment that was selected by you who keeps track of the status of the shop. They may also provide a contact person to email or call for any problems or scheduling conflicts.
It is also important to keep your scheduler aware of any extensions necessary as soon as possible since your job might be deleted from your assignment log if your scheduler does not receive your request in a timely manner. If you have any emergencies or problems completing the shop, notify your scheduler as soon as possible so you do not waste anymore time working on the shop or promptly explain any difficulties in completing the shop.
Most schedulers are easy to work with and want the jobs done as soon as possible, but they also have many shoppers contacting them and might miss your email or they might not notice an approaching deadline which could cause you to lose a shop opportunity. A shopper needs to be sure that they are on top of their due dates since the system or scheduler will often delete your shop, even if you already did part of it, if the shop has an overdue date.
Monitoring a job extension email confirmation from the scheduler is necessary to ensure your shop is done in an easy and fast manner. So ensure you establish a regular communication basis with scheduler way ahead of the time of your due date just in case you do need an extension or run into difficulties in finishing the job since an extension is usually granted.