If you are a new shopper for a company and your first job entails typing up an evaluation report, then there is some basic information that every shopper should know. Remember, that every company has different rules and formats to follow on their reports, so before you visit your shop, ensure you review their guidelines in detail. If you have any questions, you can ask the contact person to clarify any information so there is no miscommunication.
When you visit your shop, ensure you take a note pad and leave it in your car while you visit the site. When you return to your car, immediately write down any information since that will help you recall what was stated by the targeted representative.
Ensure you write down detailed information first. For example, a financial shop might need you to write down a specific interest rate or a specific product name for their report so writing those specific names or rates should be the first thing you list on your note pad. Thereafter, write down as much as you can remember and then review the questions on the guidelines or company form, while you are still in your car, and quickly jot down any answers to any questions that was stated on the form.
Once you type your report, review the company’s format and ensure you answer all the questions listed on their report. Be sure you double check your work for accuracy and proofread your work several times before you hit the “submit“ button. Many companies also ask you to obtain a business card or company materials which you typically send as a computer attachment or they may want your notes so be sure you do not toss them out.