Be Prepared

making-plansWhen I request a shop I attempt to keep in mind how far I will need to travel and how long it will take to complete the onsite visit. When the distance is more than a few miles, I set up a route. Most of the time this planning works well, especially if the shops are not targeted.

Last month I was able to schedule five apartment shops in another town about 125 miles from my home. I knew that unless my stars were perfectly aligned it would be difficult to make all five visits, even without the long drive, so I booked a motel. I felt comfortable with the shop instructions to make the phone call and visit on the same day because all were untargeted shops.

All went well early on. Calls were made and visits completed on two shops that paid a bonus. Then, I began to reach Central Leasing rather than the property to be visited. I could not set up an appointment or ask for an agent to return my call because all the calls were recorded. I made 14 unsuccessful calls on the first day, another nine on the second and fretted as I watched my profits fly out the window. Luckily I drive a Prius. I paid for the gas, and my husband and I enjoyed an evening away from home.

This month I got caught in a similar situation. I scheduled three semi-targeted new home shops with instructions to spend no more than 15 minutes with the sales associate. I also scheduled five untargeted storage shops and allowed 30 minutes for each of these. Total time would be less than seven hours, including commute between shops. No problem!

Trouble began when I realized I had not been diligent in my research. On the day I visited the new home sales offices did not open until 1 PM. I arrived at 10 AM.

Okay, not a big problem! I would do the storage shops first. Was I surprised when I found I had to backtrack six miles because the rail crossing I had just navigated was now closed for work on the tracks?

Things did not improve as I attempted to complete the storage shops when three of the scheduled five took much longer than I had allowed.
To make a long story shorter, I was able to complete the storage shops but could not get back to the new homes shops in time and had to return a few days later.

We like to travel. My vehicle gets such good mileage and mystery shopping usually pays for our trips. This time I went in the hole on each of these excursions.

Next time, I will be better prepared to be profitable.

Mystery shopping and Etiquette

Respond quickly and personallyI opened my email message from Scheduler Jane Doe at ABC Market Research expecting to see an offer of a new mystery shop. Instead I was hit in the face with words about an old one. The words were not critical, just cold, but my defenses still came to full alert and my day was off to a rocky start.

I cannot fault Jane for the stance of her prose. She is of the age of the text message. Neither can I accept blame for my reaction to it. I am of the age of the hand written thank you note. I, for one, would like to find the middle ground between the two.

As mystery shoppers we are alert to the niceties of proper etiquette. Shops require it. We are asked for comments about how we are greeted and if we are thanked and offered a pleasant parting remark.

If I were to meet Jane in person, or speak with her on the phone, I’m sure she would have a bright smile and friendly demeanor. However, we are not often granted that privilege.

In the mystery shopping business, the relationships we have with our partners are only colored by our words. There are a couple of those words I find especially useful; Hello and Thanks. They are small, just a few key strokes, but oh so powerful. I know I feel more inclined to go above and beyond when that ‘personal’ relationship is established.

Our clients expect their employees to conduct themselves with decorum. Wouldn’t it be great if we could learn to treat each other with the same degree of kindness?

Thanks for your time.