Successful mystery shoppers know that mystery shopping is fun but that it also requires effort. Experienced shoppers use these 10 tips for a marvelous mystery shopping experience every time.
- Read your shop contract specifications very carefully making note of key elements for THAT particular assignment and do your homework! If they say to go to the company’s website or mention any other ways to prepare, do so BEFORE beginning the shop.
- Never forget who you are! Some mystery shop contracts ask you to give a fake name to the person you are mystery shopping. You should never hesitate when you get asked your name.
- Jot down the phone number of the mystery shopping company or your scheduler and take it with you in case you have a last-minute question or a problem arises.
- Be meticulous with timings. If you have to note in your mystery shopping report times like arrival, greeting, order taking, and completion of the transaction – you have to have a reliable timing device and make good mental notes.
- You should begin every mystery shop contract with an open mind. Put yourself in the place of the person getting shopped. Be open and friendly. Their livelihood is at stake.
- Never identify yourself as a shopper.
- Never start any type of altercation with an employee or another customer while you are in the middle of the shop. If something bothers you or offends you, save your reaction and comments for your mystery shopping report.
- Don’t take shop contract specifications into the shop with you.
- Don’t overdress or underdress. Use common sense – and if shopping a restaurant you can check the company’s website (or call them) to find out if they have a dress code.
- Don’t go into the shop trying to catch the employee doing something wrong. Give them every chance to succeed.
These 10 tips for a marvelous mystery shopping experience will help ensure you too are successful in your mystery shopping endeavors. Find Ellis Shoppers on Facebook and share some of your tips for a marvelous mystery shopping experience. We want to hear from you!!
Sandra S