So you’ve been shopping for a while now and you have several successful shops under your belt. You’re probably starting to see a pattern with your shops and your reports may be sort of… running together. What’s the best way to keep your mystery shopping reports fresh and unique?
Of course we all have our own writing style and there will always be similarities and patterns with your shopping reports because of your style, but there are some easy ways to keep them vibrant and fun to read when you may be having some of the same experiences on one shop as you do on another.
Here’s 4 ways to keep your mystery shopping reports fresh!
- Make Your Report Personal: It’s easy to start referring to the person you shopped as he/she or ‘the employee’. Make the report more personal by using the first name of the person you shopped. Using their first name goes a long way and when the company or employee reads the report, it will tell a better story. Before you submit your report do a quick search of your document and make sure you’ve used the employee’s first name (unless the shopping company specifically tells you not to include names in the report). This is the easiest way keep your mystery shopping reports fresh.
- Recall a Funny or Special Moment: If something was said during the shop or if there was a funny moment, make sure to write it down once you get in your car so you don’t forget. No matter how small the moment may have been, accounting for it in the shop will show that you were really paying attention to detail during your encounter. That moment may not seem significant to you, but the fact that you remembered it will be significant to the employee and their company.
Be Specific: You may not think all the details matter, but they do! Remember to write down specifics from your shop as soon as you get in your car… Otherwise you could forget something by the time you get home. The more specific you can be, the more unique your shopping report will be. Vague reports can potentially be rejected by the mystery shopping company, but more importantly they don’t tell the specific story of YOUR shop. Including specific details shows that want to do a good job.
- Take Care in Your Job: For most, being a mystery shopper is likely not your only source of income. That’s okay, but you still have to take care as a shopper. The employment of the person you shop could be in your hands so the responsibility cannot be taken lightly.
Whether you are completing one shop contract – or twenty! – each month, writing unique reports is fundamental to the success or failure of your shop. It’s important to keep your mystery shopping reports fresh, accurate, and easy to understand. Showing that you care about completing your mystery shop contracts successfully will help you get more mystery shop contracts in the future.
-Allison M