5 Mystery Shopping Tools Every Mystery Shopper Needs

Are you considering becoming a mystery shopper but you aren’t sure what all it takes?  ‘It might be expensive. I might need a lot of stuff I don’t have.’ There are just a few mystery shopping tools you need to get started as a mystery shopper, and they’re things most people already have.

  1. Transportation – You don’t have to own a vehicle, but you do need to be able to get to your mystery shops. Whether that’s by car, bus, or your own feet, you have to make your way to where you can shop. In some cases you might even be able to use your fingers to get to your mystery shop, because the shop can be done by phone or on the Internet.
  1. Internet Access –  You could have internet access at home, or on your phone, or available in your apartment community’s business center or while on break at work. You might even need to use a public library, but once you find the mystery shopping company, you can sign up and either review available mystery shop contracts on their website or they will contact you when they have available shop contracts.
  1. Time-keeping Device – Every mystery shop involves an element of time. Whether it is a specific time to conduct the shop, tracking what time you arrive and leave a shop, or the timing of certain things that happen during your shop, it is important to be aware of time and have a way to keep up with the time. This could be a watch, a clock in your car in some cases, or even a cell phone.
  1. Communication Method – Generally, you can rely on email to communicate with your mystery shop scheduler, but sometimes they need to reach you by phone or email. So it’s important to have good contact information and let the shop company know the best ways and time to reach you. Always respond to communication about your mystery shop contracts.
  1. Yourself – Yes, it’s true. You are actually the most important “mystery shopper tool” in your arsenal. You have to be committed to doing a good job with your mystery shops. You should be dependable as a contractor because the mystery shopping company counts on you. Your memory, note taking, and writing skills should be good. You are the eyes of the company – it’s your customer experience that they want to know about.


If you have access to these mystery shopping tools, you can become a mystery shopper today. Don’t be afraid to give it a try, as mystery shopping is really easy and fun. The best part is it’s your own business that doesn’t cost anything to get started!

As a compliment to this article and a great read is The 10 Commandments for Successful Mystery Shopping.