7 Ways to End the Call if You Don’t Reach Your Target

Keep in mind a leasing professional is instructed to keep prospective tenants on the phone long enough to qualify them for an apartment and to build a rapport that makes them want to come check the place out. As a former leasing agent, I got very used to people calling up just to find out the price and then just hanging up when it was too high or we didn’t have an apartment for when they needed it.

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5 Reasons to Get Started on Your Shop Right Away

With so many mystery shops available at your fingertips, staying organized is of the utmost importance. Whether mystery shopping is your part-time, full-time, or once-in-a-while time job, beginning your “job” immediately after accepting the responsibility remains top priority. Continue reading “5 Reasons to Get Started on Your Shop Right Away”

Are You a Mystery Shopper?

At any point in your mystery shopper career, someone you are shopping is bound to ask, “Are you a mystery shopper?” So it’s good to be prepared for what to do in this scenario. In my head, there only two reasons that a target would ask if you’re a mystery shopper, and both of them make zero sense to me really.

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